Tuesday 3 November 2015

Students of the week

Congratulations to Alex and Christian on their great efforts this week!

Taste testing in Italian Lessons

We learnt that the Italian name for fairy floss is zucchero filato!  
Not all of us had tasted fairy floss so Sandra bought us some to share.

Meeting the firefighters

Last week we had a visit from the firefighters. We learnt what to do in case of a fire.  We have to have a special meeting place to go to near home in case of a fire. We leant that,if we were in a fire we had to STOP, DROP AND CRAWL. We need to stay down low!!

Saturday 24 October 2015

Playing in the sandpit

On Tuesday we used the sandpit to explore the concept of capacity.  We filled different sized containers and predicted which one would hold more sand.



Thursday 15 October 2015

Congratulations to Ebony and Billy for getting students of the week!

Subitizing numbers to 10

We had to match numbers and collections.  We realized that there were more than one way to make a number. We worked in pairs to complete the task.





Positional Language

We have been learning about positional language.  We have practising using the words below.