Did You Know???

On this page we will list some interesting facts that we can share about our world!

Fact 1:
Did you know that a spider has 8 legs?
 by Mary
Fact 2:
Did you know that butterflies taste food through their legs?
by Mary

Fact 3:
Did you know that cheetahs are the fastest animals in the world?
by Mary
Fact 4:
Did you know that the smallest bones in the human body are in your ear?
by Mary
Fact 5:
Did you know that opposite sides of a dice always add up to 7?
by Mary
Fact 6:
Did you know that when you wake up in the morning you are taller than when you go to sleep?
by Mary
Fact 7:
Did you know that horses and cows eat while standing up?
by Mary
Fact 8:
Did you know that cows have 4 stomachs?
 by Mary

Fact 9:
Did you know that ???????

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