The Adventures Of Dufus

Dufus is our class bear.  He loves to go on adventures with his classmates.  Each week one of you will be chosen to take Dufus home for the weekend.  A book will go home with Dufus for you to write in. We would love to read about the adventures that you went on while he was holidaying with you. You may also like to draw a picture or take a photograph of you and Dufus!  You will be able to follow Dufus' adventures on this blog!!!

In the holidays, Dufus came to my house.  He slept in the spare room net to my bedroom.  Do you know that Dufus snores? Well, he does!  He kept me awake and I had to go and shut his door so that I couldn't hear him.
Dufus is a good eater and loves lolly snakes (especially the red ones!)  He has beautiful manners and was very helpful.  He loves being read to and enjoys going to the football to watch the Bombers play - and usually lose!
Dufus had a wonderful 2 weeks with my family.  I hope that he enjoys being with your family too!

On the weekend, Dufus came to my home for a sleepover .  He was the perfect guest!  He ate everything mum cooked, including the veggies.  He always remembered to say please and thank you.
Dufus is very clever.  I taught him quite a few Greek words and he still remembers them all.  He was a fantastic Scrabble partner.
We did notice that Dufus loves to sleep a lot.  Bears usually hibernate in winter.  Perhaps that has something to do with it!!  I can't wait for Dufus to visit again.

Having Dufus has been a great experience.   Natalia has been asking for a pet, so looking after Dufus has given her the opportunity to care for someone 24 hours a day.  Natalia fed, bathed, talked to and even played chess with Dufus!  He was also very good at Maths.  We are going to miss him but we know that we will see Dufus again for more adventures!

What a wonderful and special weekend for Dufus to choose to come and stay with us!  He had so much fun playing with Chelsea, myself and all of my birthday presents on Friday night and Saturday morning that he was just too tired to come to my skating party.  But that's O.K. because we took lots of photos to show him when we got home.  We saved him some of my colourful "My Little Pony" birthday cake and his very own party bag.  He really enjoyed the J.J's but liked the little Frozen biscuits the most.  We laughed and laughed together as we read one of my new books before snuggling up in my comfy, warm bed for a very well needed sleep.  Mummy, Chelsea and I cannot wait until the next time Dufus comes to stay with us and share many more adventures.

Dufus had lovely days at my house.  Dufus loved helping me make lego.  We watched Ninjago, a show about lego ninjas, and Lego Chima.  It's lucky Dufus likes lego as much as I do.  We watched Pokemon.  Dufus slept at the end of my bed under his own blanket. Dufus came to watch me do swimming but didn't want to get wet!  It was fun having Dufus to stay with us, even though our grumpy old cat was scared of him.  We hope to see Dufus again for more adventures.

Having Dufus has  been great.  Dad cooked us dinner and Dufus always used his manners. At night Dufus slept right next to me - by my side. Dufus and I watched T.V. together and we watched "Sanjay and Craig" and "Batman and Dog with the Blog."  Dufus has been a great guest and I can't wait to have more fun with him on more adventures.  I love Dufus!

On the weekend Dufus slept over at my house.  I was so excited to have him with me. We had so much fun together.  I read my readers to Dufus on the couch and he loved listening to me read. We played lego and and made lots of new creations.  We had lego all over the floor.  Dufus was very tired on Saturday night so he didn't go to my Auskick presentation.  I showed him the medal I got the next day. We also went for a bike ride.  Dufus and I went very fast.  We had so much fun.  I loved having Dufus for the wekend.  I will miss him so much.   Thankyou Dufus.

I was so excited to have Dufus spend the week at my house!! Dufus and I had many adventures. We both love lego and we built Ninjago cars together.  I also read my favourite book "The Very Cranky Bear".  Dufus also loves Star Wars so we had a light saber battle.  We laughed and talked about my love for dinosaurs.  I can't wait for Dufus to visit my house again.  He is my little buddy.

On the weekend Dufus came to our house.  We had lots of fun!  We played on the playground and did a lot of dancing.  We were so tired so we watched T.V. and ate yummy food while watching T.V. We did drawings and played with the dolls house.  After a long play we ate dinner and went to sleep.  I love having Dufus around for a play.

On the weekend Dufus came over to our house.  He and I had a wonderful time.  We played Bingo, Wii and rode my scooter.  It was heaps of fun.  We also played with my dolls and my dollhouse.

On Wednesday Dufus came to my house.  We read a book together then we played.  After that we went to bed to sleep.  I am so happy to spend some time with Dufus!


  1. That was a VERY short blog page. But it was nice. Ebony.

  2. Hello Marry. Hope you remember me! i remember when we had Dufus. it was fun! nice blog you have there! see ya later!

  3. Hello Marry. Hope you remember me! i remember when we had Dufus. it was fun! nice blog you have there! see ya later!

  4. Hello Marry. Hope you remember me! i remember when we had Dufus. it was fun! nice blog you have there! see ya later!

  5. Hello Marry. Hope you remember me! i remember when we had Dufus. it was fun! nice blog you have there! see ya later!
