Saturday 28 February 2015


We learnt a new song in Religion today.  It is called Listen To Jesus.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Things that w can do at school

We made a class book about all the things we can do at school!

Working hard!

This week we have continued to explore ordinal number and practised ordering dinosaurs from 1 to 10.

We all got a packet of tiny teddies and had to work out all the different ways we could group them.  We had a go at recording our findings in our books then we ate the teddies!!!!

We have also been practising spelling out names using magnetic letters and making our names using newspaper letters.

We have been practising our cutting skills everyday this week!

Tuesday 17 February 2015

In Prep we can multi task!

We celebrated Reece's birthday. He turned 5 years old. Congratulations!

We made pirate hats because we are studying the letter Pp.

In maths we graphed our favourite ice cream flavours. We even got to eat some. YUM

Yesterday was Shrove Tuesday. We made pancakes. They were delicious.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Week 2 over!!!

After 2 weeks at school the Preps are showing signs of exhaustion!!!  Only 12 years and 42 weeks to go until they complete their formal education!!

Monday 9 February 2015

Healthy Eating

We are learning the difference between brain food, snack and lunch.

Learning Activities

           Fun with play dough.

                 Puppet plays.

                Building with duplo.


Making Teddy Bears.

We made grizzly bears and polar bears today.  Yummy!

Thursday 5 February 2015

Ordinal Numbers

We learnt all about ordinal numbers this week.
We can count from 1st to 10 th!  We are so clever!!!

Tuesday 3 February 2015

What great artists we are in Prep MS!

On the first day of school we all painted a picture of what we did in the holidays.  Our teacher helped us to write a sentence about it.