Sunday 22 March 2015

The Last Supper

We listened to a story about 'The Last Supper.  We rein-acted the story. Sharon was Jesus and she washed her friend Felix's feet.

Stars of the week.

These special children from Prep MS all got an award at assembly on Friday. Congratulations guys!

We were learning how to write the letter h. We listened to a story called 'Hattie and the Fox' by Mem Fox. We tried our best with our handwriting.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Sandpaper Drawings

We made some beautiful pictures with chalk today and we wrote some great stories about them.

Sand pit experience.

We read the stories 'Magic Beach' and 'At the Beach'. We went and played in the sandpit to see what it would be like to be at the beach. Look at some of the things we did.

We then wrote some fantastic stories about what we did in the sandpit and created our own beach pictures using chalk and sandpaper.

We have been making ten using a tens frame.

We used different colours to see what numbers made up ten.

Then we recorded our answers on our own tens frame.

We had to use our counting skills for this task.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Creative play


A mathematical problem !

My Grandmother know that winter is coming.  She wants to knit warm socks for her grandchildren to wear when they play outside on cold days.  She has 5 grandchildren.  How many socks does she have to knit so that her grandchildren will have warm feet this summer?

This is how Christian worked the problem out.  What a great mathematical thinker he is!!

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Making numbers

We all knew that we had 5 fingers on each hand. 5and 5 make ten!  We looked at other numbers we could add together.