Sunday 24 May 2015

Prep Assembly

Here is the video for all that could not attend our Prep Assembly on Friday.  You should all be very proud of your children!!!

Friday 22 May 2015

Prep assembly

Today the Prep MS children conducted their first assembly for the year.  We all dressed up as community workers as we have been learning about all the groups that help us keep safe and healthy. We have had lots of these groups come and talk to us about what they do. Thank you to all the parents that attended.  For those who could not because of work commitments, we hope you enjoy the following videos of the day! Watch this space!!!

Length- Measuring Snakes in Prep MS.

Today we measured three different snakes with unifix blocks. We also made a pattern whilst we were measuring.

We then counted how long our snakes were and wrote some statements about them.

Then we completed our own.

Counting the correct amount.

Recording the correct number.

We had so much fun.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Students of the Week.

Congratulations to Ruby and Alex who received awards at our last assembly. Well Done!

David's Birthday

We celebrated David's birthday. We enjoyed the lolly bags that his parents gave us. Thank you so much Anna and Chris.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Happy Mother's Day

 Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful mums in Prep MS.


Tuesday 5 May 2015

Developmental Play with Lego.

Check this out. What a fabulous job from Christian and Isaak.

Dental Nurse Selma visits the Preps.

We had a visit from Selma the dental nurse and she told us how important it was to look after our teeth.

Selma also gave us some toothpaste and a toothbrush. We watched the movie the 'Tooth Defender'. They are superheroes who look after your teeth.

The Paramedics visit grade Prep.

Jessica who works as a paramedic came to talk to us about her job. She looks after sick people and takes them to hospital in an ambulance.  If you ever need an ambulance you must ring 000.

The Preps asked Jessica some fabulous questions.

Sally a paediatric nurse visits the Preps.

Sally wears scrubs when she works at the children's hospital.

Sally showed Pam how to use her asthma puffer properly.

Nurse Sally used her stethoscope to check our lungs and our hearts.

We even got to listen to our own chests as well.