Wednesday 17 June 2015

I'm a Little Teapot!

This learning activity is based around supporting the development of oral language.
Hope you have fun singing along and matching the words of the song.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Wacky Wednesday

Today we read the story "Wacky Wednesday"
Can you find 20wacky thing in the picture?

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Our Rules For Online Safety

How Tall Are You

During the week we measured our heights using unifix blocks.
On Friday we compared our recordings and wrote some statements from the data:

We use words like LONGER, TALLER, SHORTER, BIGGER, SMALLER to record our results.

Monday 1 June 2015

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Today we learnt about the story of the Lost sheep.  We discussed how Jesus was like a shepherd - he looks after us and cares about us.
We watch a video and also learnt a song about this parable.

Balloons, Balloons!!

On Friday we experienced playing with balloons. We wrote down all the words we could think of to describe our balloons e.g squishy, soft, bouncy, red, blue, light, round.
Then we went outside and ran around with them tied to our hands.
When we came back inside we shared sentences about our balloons.
Some examples were:
My balloon is red.
My balloon flew up in the air.
My balloon went up into the sky.