Thursday 30 July 2015

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Learning about Clocks

On Friday we made our own clocks.
We learnt that there is a big hand and a little hand.
The big hand is the minute hand and the little hand is the hour hand.
The clock that we made had 12 numbers on it.
We learnt that when the big hand points to the 12 it is an o'clock time. The little hand always tells us what o'clock it is!!!!!  We are going to practice reading o'clock times!!!

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Making Billy carts

Today we had a visitor that helped us design and build a billy cart.
First we had to draw our design

Then we had to build our billy cart.

Then we had to test our designs!!


We had a go at drawing some of our own clocks today.  Look at some of these examples.   


We will be learning all about time this term. 

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Visit from the Sunshine Library

Late last term we were visited by Peter from the Sunshine Library. He spoke to the children about all the great services and products the Library offers.

Our Learning Goals this week

This Weeks Fairy tale is:
Watch the video on our "Fun Things To Help Us Learn" page

Holiday fun!

What fantastic writers we have become over the holidays.  Read all the wonderful things we did: