Wednesday 28 January 2015

Welcome to Grade Prep MS

A big welcome to all the children and their families to our Prep MS blog.  We hope you find our blog interesting and informative.  We feel that it is very important to keep you updated on the amazing learning experiences we will share this year and we welcome you to share with us any comments and encouragement you may have.

Brain Food

At around 10.00 am each day, the Grade Prep children have a small "Brain Food" break.  This is to  re-fuel their body in order to keep up energy levels.  We ask that you pack a healthy snack for them to eat during this time.  It is only a short break so anything the children could consume in a few minutes would be ideal.  Some healthy snacks could include:
  • Fresh fruit
  •     Crunchy vegetables
  •     A dairy food - cheese, milk or yoghurt
  •     A protein food - slice of lean meat, hard boiled egg or peanut butter
  •     Starchy food - bread, roll, flat bread, fruit bread or crackers
  •     Water